
Early Cancer Detection Means Time and Options

Early detection increase the chances of successful treatment.

This is because cancer is easier to treat when it is found early, before it has had a chance to grow and spread.


The 5-year survival rates for the cancers covered by LucenceINSIGHT™ increase significantly when detected at an earlier stage1.

How Does Cancer Occur?

Cancer is a genetic disease caused by changes in our genes. Genes are the instructions that tell our bodies how to grow and work. Sometimes, changes or alterations in our genes can cause cells to grow and divide in an uncontrolled way, leading to cancer.

Cancer can start in many different parts of the body, like the lungs, colon or stomach. As tumor cells grow, they shed fragments of DNA into the blood known as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). These ctDNAs contain evidence of gene alterations and their profiles are often characteristic of the organ from which they originated.


LucenceINSIGHT™ is a multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test that screens for the early signals of multiple cancers through a simple blood draw, before symptoms show. 

Leveraging proprietary technology, the test detects cancer-associated alterations circulating in the blood. These alterations are termed ‘Cancer Signals’ and are presented in your report as Cancer Signal: Detected or Cancer Signal: Not Detected. 


Who Should Use LucenceINSIGHT™?

LucenceINSIGHT™ is recommended in conjunction with existing screening tools for:

  • Individuals aged 40 and above who are not pregnant and without a history of cancer in the past 3 years.
  • Individuals with an elevated risk of cancer (e.g. family history of cancer, diet, lifestyle etc).

Talk to your physician about whether the test is suitable for you.

If you have a history of cancer, talk to your physician about LiquidHALLMARK® instead.

Read more about LiquidHALLMARK® here.


What Do My Results Mean?

  • LucenceINSIGHTdetected alterations associated with cancer. Clonal Hematopoiesis* should be considered for all observations.
  • Some individuals with cancer-associated alterations may not have cancer.
  • This result may include up to 2 Predicted Signal Localization sites that highlight where the alterations may have originated from. The prediction is limited to the signal localization sites stated in this report and is provided to guide further confirmatory diagnostic testing.
  • This result is not a diagnosis. Further confirmatory diagnostic testing as guided by your healthcare provider is recommended. Repeat testing in 6 weeks is also recommended as clinically necessary.

*Clonal Hematopoiesis is a common phenomenon in older persons linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and blood cancers.2-4

  • LucenceINSIGHTdid not detect any alterations associated with cancer at this time.
  • The absence of cancer-associated alterations does not rule out the possibility of cancer. It is possible that there are alterations in targets not included in the panel or others not detectable by this analysis due to inherent analytical limitations.
  • LucenceINSIGHT does not screen for every type of cancer.
  • You are recommended to continue with routine cancer screening as guided by your healthcare provider. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Still unsure about LucenceINSIGHT™?

Take a look at our commonly asked questions and their answers below.

We also recommend talking to your physician about the suitability of LucenceINSIGHT™ multi-cancer early screening for you.



  1. American Cancer Society.
  2. Dorsheimer L. et al. Association of Mutations Contributing to Clonal Hematopoiesis With Prognosis in Chronic Ischemic Heart Failure. JAMA Cardiology vol. 4 25 Preprint at (2019).
  3. Libby P., Jaiswal S., Lin A. E. & Ebert, B. L. CHIPping Away at the Pathogenesis of Heart Failure. JAMA cardiology vol. 4 5–6 (2019).
  4. Jaiswal S. et al. Age-related clonal hematopoiesis associated with adverse outcomes. N. Engl. J. Med. 371, 2488–2498 (2014).

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